Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Law of Attraction

When I first watched "The Secret" I was confused to say the least. Have you heard of the movie or the principal? It basically suggests that one controls his or her own destiny. You have "attracted" everything into your own life through your thoughts. If you are in a happy marriage, it is something YOU have attracted. If you want something in life be it money or power or a new car, you must firmly believe that it is possible and ask the universe to manifest it for you. It sounds so simple yet it is so hard. The concept revolves around changing your thinking. We all have a choice in how we react to what life throws our way. You can either choose to have a negative or positive reaction to it. After watching the movie, I never really gave the law of attraction much more thought, that is until meeting an inspirational life coach last week.

Maria Lesetz focuses on the Law of Attraction and teaching the principals behind it. She is a bundle of energy and inspiration. Here are some of her quotes from her twitter page

Don't buy into other people's beliefs & fears. That's their stuff! Choose to believe what FEELS GOOD! ~ Maria Lesetz

Love Life MORE than you wish you were somewhere else or someone else. Appreciate the beauty that is NOW! ~Maria Lesetz

Anything you want outside of you, starts with changing something within you. ~Maria Lesetz

Has anyone used this theory with positive results? I find the whole thing facinating yet need to know more about it and how to apply these principals to my own life.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Natasha ... thanks for sharing my quotes here!!! So glad to hear that you are excited about learning more about the Law of Attraction. Simply stated, the Law of Attraction may be defined as: " I attract into my life whatever I give my attention, energy and focus to, whether positive or negative" or said another way "what you concentrate on ... expands".

    It really makes a lot of sense when you bring it down to its simplest form. Most people would agree that their "attitude" towards situations will impact what they get out of those situations. Right? So, if you are expecting a negative outcome, most likely .. you will not disappoint yourself. You will attract exactly what you expect. Think about someone going into an interview and they go in with the attitude of "I am never going to get this job, oh my, I don't have what it takes." Don't you think that person will have a less likely chance to get the job vs. another person who walks into that interview with a confidence in themselves that is unshakeable?

    The Law of Attraction is ALWAYS in action. We do create our reality by the nature of the thoughts we think and mostly the feelings we have behind those thoughts. Now, what people don't talk about is the fact that we don't "deliberately" create bad things to happen in our lives -- it's mostly by default thinking that we are not even aware of. Who would ever want to attract bad into their lives? No one! But the beauty about knowing the principles of the Law of Attraction is that once you know that your thoughts and feelings create your reality, this knowledge can be VERY empowering and you can DELIBERATELY and CONSCIOUSLY create your life experiences by pivoting your thoughts & feelings to ones that are aligned with your desires. This is what I help my coaching clients to do. And you should see the shifts that happen in their life! It's absolutely awesome!

    Thanks for sharing my passion for helping people to be living the life they love. Talk to you soon.

    Maria C. Lesetz, CEO of Lovin' Life
    Inspirational Life Coach
