Saturday, October 9, 2010

Days That Make You Want To Scream

Some days are just bad days. Ever have one of those days where everything seems to go wrong? And I mean every. single. thing.?

That was my day yesterday and it went from bad to worse. The Law of Attraction talks about this a bit in the movie, "The Secret". It says that when you wake up having a bad day, you send out vibrations from what you are thinking leading to more bad things to happen to you. I guess I can see how this would work. My day started off bad and I just kept the ball rolling. From a paycheck snafu that was stressful to feeling overwhelmed at work, everything just seemed on the verge of collapse yesterday. Honestly had I known it would be so emotional, I probably would have used a sick day, that is what they are for right?

Bad days can be changed with the right thoughts but, had you said that to me yesterday you probably would have ended up getting punched. How do you handle a bad day? What strategies do you implement to overcome them. A sympathetic ear can make a world of difference. I try to do this in my daily life. Whether it be a co-worker or a friend I seem to have a knack for sensing when those around me are feeling off and listening and offering support if I can. For me the day ended with a long, hard cry on my couch. It sounds silly but, the release of emotion can be a very healthy and good thing. Afterwards I felt ready to put the bad day behind me. Here it is 8AM on the next day and lets hope that good thoughts make this day much much better than yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. Bad days are always better when you just think that somebody else somewhere had a worse day. Tomorrow will be better. Be positive. Have a blue moon and laugh with a friend.
