I went for a long run near Autzen Stadium and marveled at how beautiful a day it was. Several folks were out and about getting the tailgaiting area ready for Saturday's Big Duck game and I ran past enjoying the views and trying very hard to focus on my breathing which was getting shallower as I went along. I am not yet what I would call a "runner" but, I am going to get there if it kills me. I will do it and I know I can do it.
So back to what was different today. Nothing a normal person would notice but, something was. Something huge.
I chose to be happy for no reason at all.

That statement may not seem like anything much but, oh it is. Ever since meeting inspirational life coach Maria Lesetz and reading more and more about the Law of Attraction, I am becoming more in tune with my thoughts every single day. Let me tell you it's far harder than you would think. I have so many negative thoughts in one day that need to be changed and re-purposed but, I think I am making progress...
Case in point, something happened this morning which normally would have made me very upset. I don't need to get into the actual event but, it was something that gnawed away at me for a bit turning into a bigger and bigger demon that became too frustrating and depressing for me to control. The old thought process would have ruined my day but, I chose to take a deep breath and decide that I can only control my own emotions. I cannot control someone else's. I also cannot make a person act a certain way or hope that they will respond in a way that I would want. What I can do is focus on what is good and focus on my goals and dreams and things I appreciate in life. Life throws some bad bad things your way sometimes but, if we can learn to change our thinking about them think about how much more fulfilling life will be?

As I say this I recognize that it is very very hard and I have a ways to go. I am only at the tip of the iceberg with it but, I know that eventually I can control my life by controlling my thoughts. Then again nothing that challenging has happened to me since I came across this concept..I suppose that would be the true test to see if I can implement changing my thought patterns. But, I am excited to see where this leads :)
I am so glad to hear, Natasha that after meeting with me you are making your path to joy your #1 priority. And good for you that you were able to take a potentially difficult life event and turn it around by focusing on what is good in your life and realizing that the only thing you can control is YOU and how YOU FEEL! WHOOOOO HOOOO!
ReplyDeleteAnd as far as your comment about "being difficult" -- it CAN feel that way because over the years many of us have practiced a certain way of thinking and feeling that is very different than this. So, we have fallen into a habit of talking about the negative and what doesn't feel good. And without realizing it, over the years, that has brought us more things to not feel good about. But once we realize that what we think and feel does create our reality, it is SO empowering. And when it feels "hard" or "difficult", we just have to remember to be kind to ourselves and not beat up on ourselves so much for focusing on what we don't want. The key to change is to just be more aware of the nature of our thoughts and feelings and once we do this (with a non-judgmental approach), we can start to change those things in our lives that is not aligned with joy.
Happiness is a choice that we can make in every single moment of the day. And kudos to you for the shifts you are already making with knowing this.
Great blog post, Natasha. I am looking forward to see more wonderful posts on how you are shifting into the positive and finding that inner peace and joy within you. Positive manifestations are on their way to you right now and your dreams are unfolding (even before you see an ounce of proof of that!) The more joy you feel, the more "easy" everything will feel.
Wishing you a Lovin' Life day!
~Maria C. Lesetz, Law of Attraction Happiness Coach
Thank you Maria..reading this just made my day!