Monday, September 27, 2010

A Series of Lessons

If you really think about it life is simply a series of lessons. We learn and grow till we die. Some of us grasp things earlier in life than most..and for others, the learning only comes when we are faced with adversity. Lessons are everywhere and so are signs. You cannot deny a larger power in this earth when you really start to observe and listen to the signs you face. There are no accidents. I am focusing on letting go. It's not easy. In my job and in my life I have always had to have control. Control makes me feel safe, it's predicatable, it means the sun will rise the next day and a certain set of events will unfold that make me feel secure. No more. I am working on letting go. Letting the Universe seal my fate. No I will not completely relinquish control..instead I will ask for what I want..and then TRUST that it will come my way.

Right now in this very moment I could choose to worry and be upset. I really could but, I wont. I will not allow myself to fold or to even worry about a folding occuring. I am strong.

I find strength in so many things. A simple cup of coffee, a friends smile, laughing at work ..joking around with people..they make me realize that no matter what the outcome, life does go on.

Today I sat at a local coffeeshop ..drinking my medium roast Java..sitting outside in the sunshine and watching the cars pass me by. For some reason I had the inclination to look up at the sky. I whispered a wish of intent to the Universe and it hit me how vast the sky really is. Millions of dreams huddle under that vast sky and mine is just one among many. But, I refuse to settle for anything less than happiness and I do firmly believe it's out there.
No I will not crumble.

I am also loving twitter! Every single day I can log on and see inspirational passages from people I admire! How can I not feel blessed. Those words come to me and instantly lift me up and give me perspective.
Here are just a few

-- "A clear vision, backed by definite plans, gives you a tremendous feeling of confidence and personal power." - Brian Tracy

--Holding on to anything is like holding on to your breath. If you don't let go you will start to suffocate

---Put yourself in the hands of the universe--then you will have no need for control.

Fall seven times, stand up eight. ~Japanese Proverb

Signs are not ignore them. Pay attention to the signs in your life and the people who love you. Those are my thoughts for today.

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