I just finished an amazing book that touched me in many ways. The book "Love Shrinks" is a profoundly moving account of a marriage counselors unraveling of her own marriage. In the book she chronicles all the reasons she decided to stay in her marriage for as long as she did even though deep down she was deeply unhappy.
The book is divided into separate sections in which she headlines "Why I stayed in my marriage" and lists memories and wonderful times that kept her from getting a divorce while other chapters focus on her daily struggles of living the life of her and her husband being more like roommates than lovers.
Her writing is simple yet emotionally charged. It's truly a love story of freedom and the ending will bring tears to your eyes. I haven't read a book I loved so much in a very long time :)
How true is it that we stay in relationships for too long for all the wrong reasons? Perhaps you are comfortable or hoping things will get better or maybe you stay for those good times which become scarcer as time goes on. Whatever the reason this book will open your mind and your heart.
Here is a review of the book
"A relentlessy honest portrayal of what a marriage looks like that should end but doesn't, where the couple should hate each other but don't. With wit, charm and intelligence, Sharyn Wolf examines the reasons she stayed stuck; the old wounds and unmet needs that kept her attached when she should have let go. Love Shrinks is for anyone who has stayed in a relationship too long for all the wrong and yes, sometimes, right reasons. You'll cheer when Wolf finally breaks out. And just maybe it will remind you of someone you know."—Susan Richards, author of Chosen by A Horse
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