Monday, August 31, 2009


We have been walking the hill since August 12th! That is a LONG time, especially for someone like me! Anyone who knows me will tell you that I get very excited about something initially for a short period of time and then BAM..will move onto something else. It drives my mom crazy! This is different though. am so proud of us! Today I happened to forget my tennis shoes and workout clothes at home and I made it a point to go back and get them. Me? Workout? It's made so much easier having friends to walk with. The real challenge will come after this week when Denae leaves for vacation. Can I walk the hill for 2 weeks myself? Stay tuned.

Friday, August 28, 2009


One thing you realize as you get older is that you cannot change anyone. You may try, thinking if you love them more, coddle them more, treat them differently, conversate that somehow you can get someone to budge but, it will never work and it can be very hard to deal with.

People do as they please.
It's like an alcoholic on shows like Intervention. The entire family is urging them to go to treatment but, the alcoholic says no way and so that is how it goes.

I really like the book, "He's just not that into you" for that very fact. It basically states that if a guy is not calling, texting or paying attention to you, well guess what, he is just not that into you" But, is it that simple? Why do we as women always rationalize things. Are we too scared too face the truth?

Do we want so firmly to believe that another explanation must be the case that we end up fooling even ourselves?

Perhaps if we were more realistic we could move quicker from the heartbreak and blows of the end of a relationship.

However, things are so much easier said than done. I have friends who can read empowering female quotes till the cows come home. Hear how worthless he was from dozens of friends but, still go home and deal with it alone and it's back to that haze of reality again.

If only we could be mind readers life would probably be much easier but, until then it's best to trust ur gut. We usually know what is going on but, are afraid to accept it as truth. Accept it. Deal with it and Move on. Reality may bite but, it's called reality for a reason.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hurray for SHAN!

So I have never been much of a cook! Ok, I take that back..I can usually whip something up but, only if I have time and lately it seems like I have none of it. One thing that helps me out! SHAN MASALA.! Experienced cooks like my mom may scorn it but I add it to everything. You can get different SHAN Masala boxes for different dishes. One flavors chicken, another for biryani, there is even a SHAN Masala if you just want to flavor your eggs ! I add it to Spaghetti Sauce, Ground Beef, Rice, you name it! It has all the spices you need in one convenient box. And there is no chance I would ever run out because everytime my mom comes to visit she loads me up on another 30 boxes! Shan Masala can be found at most Indian stores and you can usually find it on a special sale!
As a matter of fact, I just had leftover Spaghetti Sauce flavored with Shan Masala just now! YUMM

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Few words are sweeter than the word Home. There is something to be said for familiarity. A place where the streets make sense, where you can point and say.."I remember being 10 years old and going there!" and where you never really worry about your car breaking down because you know you can call hundreds of people who will come and help you.

For me it's Minnesota. It's home. Where I can walk the park across the street and remember nights of sneaking out with my neighbor to take a midnight walk. Where I can drive down Highway 101 and see the familiar Walgreens, the Cub Foods, the US bank...places I went as a child. Familiar faces, Pakistani Aunties who have known me since I was gangly 3rd grader and seen me through my teenage phases.

Then I can drive down to the University of Minnesota campus and remember walking from building to building as a student..shivering in the frigid temps trying to find my car in the Huron Blvd Parking garage.
I could drive to my campus apartment and know that if I had no food, home was just a short drive away. I could knock on the door anytime and have a hot meal waiting, stay the night, laugh, watch movies and have that feeling of security that I was home.
Home. It's been so long since I have been back. Things have changed since. Construction, different stores and many people who have moved away but, some things never change. I can walk through the front door at home..and know that happiness is right there. The most secure wonderfully accepting place.
Home. I cannot wait to see you again.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Kahlil Gibran, The Most Beautiful Voice

How many of you have heard of Kahlil Gibran?
For those who do not is a little background.

Kahlil Gibran was among the most important Arabic language authors of the early twentieth century. He also went on to become a famous author and artist in his adopted country, the U.S., especially by virtue of the phenomenal popularity of his 1923 The Prophet

His book, The Prophet was introduced to me many years ago. Until then I had never even heard of him. Have you heard the quote, "If you love something let it go, if it returns it was meant to be...if not it was never yours to begin with" Guess what? That is Kahlil Gibran.

Here are some of his other famous quotes.

On Marriage:
You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore.You shall be together when the white wings of death scatter your days.Ay, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God.But let there be spaces in your togetherness,And let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another, but make not a bond of love:Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup.Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loafSing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music. Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping.For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.And stand together yet not too near together:For the pillars of the temple stand apart,And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow.

ON Love
When love beckons to you, follow him,Though his ways are hard and steep.And when his wings enfold you yield to him,Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you.And when he speaks to you believe in him,Though his voice may shatter your dreamsas the north wind lays waste the garden. For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning.Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun,So shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth

His words are powerful. I highly suggest the book, The Prophet.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Medical Mystery!!!!!

So who likes being sick? Certainly not me but, lately that seems to be ALL that is happening. Had another doctor's apt today and everyone from the insurance receptionist lady to the nurse to the Doctor of course, knew who I was from the LAST time (one week ago) that I came in. One thing I have realized lately is how much we take our health for granted. Here I am sick and all I want is to be well. But how often are we well and we don't even think twice about it.? Isn't like so strange that way?

I just hope I get well. I hate being sick all the time. It's not fun at all.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Crossing the Line?

Last night I decided to go out for a bit with some of my friends here in Eugene. We went to the Davis Nightclub, one of the local clubs in town. I always like to talk to people when I am out and I had an interesting conversation with a guy standing outside. He was an avid Fox News @ 10 viewer. He proceeded to tell me how much he enjoyed the show which is always nice to hear. He also told me he watches what I wear everynight..(hmmm a little creepy no?) and then said. "But, sometimes I look at what you are wearing and think.."What was she thinking?" Ahhhh What do you say to something like that? You want to be polite and nice but, come on! I think I responded with something like..."well I always appreciate feedback"! Thoughts?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Lane County Fair Giveaway!

Well another week means another drawing here at Fox News @ 10. Last night we gave away four sets of tickets to the Lane County Fair!

It's always fun to giveaway the tickets for sure. I had over 100 emails this time and even two handwritten letters from folks wanting tickets. I wish I wasn't so soft-hearted. I always want to give tickets away to everyone! :)

We had a little surprise for our viewers...after Seth picked out four names, we announced that we had two extra sets of tickets to giveaway! Big thanks to our Fox News @ 10 intern Ryan who takes care of all our promotions and even made our FOX BOX, that we use to put all the entries in!

Here are a couple pictures from last night!

Totally Excited about our drawing

The Fox Box

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Hellish Hill!

Well we did it! Another day of walking up and down the treacherous hill. I have found it's so much easier to do when you are chatting away with good friends! We started our trek last week and the first day was KILLER! My legs felt like Jell-O. Now, it's getting easier! The hill is the steepest grade in Lane County! Can you believe that? It's also crazy to DRIVE up it when it's winter and snowy!

Here are a few pics of our adventures!