Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Few words are sweeter than the word Home. There is something to be said for familiarity. A place where the streets make sense, where you can point and say.."I remember being 10 years old and going there!" and where you never really worry about your car breaking down because you know you can call hundreds of people who will come and help you.

For me it's Minnesota. It's home. Where I can walk the park across the street and remember nights of sneaking out with my neighbor to take a midnight walk. Where I can drive down Highway 101 and see the familiar Walgreens, the Cub Foods, the US bank...places I went as a child. Familiar faces, Pakistani Aunties who have known me since I was gangly 3rd grader and seen me through my teenage phases.

Then I can drive down to the University of Minnesota campus and remember walking from building to building as a student..shivering in the frigid temps trying to find my car in the Huron Blvd Parking garage.
I could drive to my campus apartment and know that if I had no food, home was just a short drive away. I could knock on the door anytime and have a hot meal waiting, stay the night, laugh, watch movies and have that feeling of security that I was home.
Home. It's been so long since I have been back. Things have changed since. Construction, different stores and many people who have moved away but, some things never change. I can walk through the front door at home..and know that happiness is right there. The most secure wonderfully accepting place.
Home. I cannot wait to see you again.