Friday, August 21, 2009

Crossing the Line?

Last night I decided to go out for a bit with some of my friends here in Eugene. We went to the Davis Nightclub, one of the local clubs in town. I always like to talk to people when I am out and I had an interesting conversation with a guy standing outside. He was an avid Fox News @ 10 viewer. He proceeded to tell me how much he enjoyed the show which is always nice to hear. He also told me he watches what I wear everynight..(hmmm a little creepy no?) and then said. "But, sometimes I look at what you are wearing and think.."What was she thinking?" Ahhhh What do you say to something like that? You want to be polite and nice but, come on! I think I responded with something like..."well I always appreciate feedback"! Thoughts?


  1. Seems so unfair, though. How dare he say that to you! Ask if you can visit him at work and give feedback lol.

  2. Happiness is the best revenge. Next time just act like you don't care. Does he think he's the male version of Anna Wintour or what? Don't let stupid people bother you. U always look great.
