Monday, November 22, 2010

Out of Body Experience?

Last night I had a very surreal out of body experience that I wanted to share before the details become fuzzy. I think just the fact that my brain remembers every single detail of the event shows me that something strange did indeed occur last night. I had just fallen into a deep sleep after reading a very inspiring book, called "The Law of Attraction in Action". I read a couple of chapters and was channeling positivity and the teachings into my thoughts as I was laying there. At one point, I put the book down and stared up at the ceiling. I asked myself, "what would I want if I could have anything in the world". What if the world was my catalogue and I could choose anything I wanted and bring it to me through my thoughts and actions-what would I choose.

I lay there and really tried to focus. More than material possessions, I found myself greatly wanting certain feelings. I imagined a situation where I felt complete and whole and strong and completely loved. I felt a certain peace come over me and a couple of minutes later I drifted off to sleep.

It was about 3AM when the strange incident occurred. I "woke up" and felt myself in a float like state. I knew I was in my room, I knew that I was awake but at the same time a heavyness had decended on me where I was helpless against the movements of my body. I felt myself sit up in bed, and the cover removed from my body. I slowly drifted down toward the end of the bed and put my hands above my head, as I did a strong force pulled my arms in front of me and over so that I now rested in a hunched over position. I then woke up in my normal position laying in bed but, strangely awake. It really didn't feel like a dream and I had been awake and aware of what was going on the entire time. It happened again a couple of hours later, this time I was walking down the hallway outside of my bedroom...I remember feeling heavy and weighed down but, being completely aware of what was happening. When I "woke up" in my original position in bed, I remember feeling beyond frightened and wished I wasn't alone but, I also had a clarity and peace of mind about the whole thing. I am not sure what exactly happened last night but, it made me feel very small in the realm of the Universe and the mysteries that we face.

I have learned a great deal about myself these last couple of months. I have learned how vulnerable and emotionally fragile I am when it comes to love and emotions but, also how very strong I can be and how I can persevere. Last night's mystery was just another building block on my roadmap of life. A roadmap that will lead me to everything I desire

Long Days

What a long long day today was. I woke up late but, the hours kept dragging. These days seem extra long--filled with thoughts and quietly laced reflections. No--I wouldn't say it's a bad time, just a time when I am learning a lot more about myself. The learning is manifesting itself in rather interesting ways. Body aches and pains and emotions that are turbulant. All times where one can learn. All growing experiences if we allow them to truly be...and don't fight them. :)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Many The Miles, Sara Bareilles

This song makes me feel powerful, strong and gives me the courage to know I will survive and move past the hurt..

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thought for the Day

Sometimes you have to put yourself first. Sometimes you have to feel great love to feel great loss. Somtimes you have to feel the pain of losing someone you really truly love to understand how strong you really are. Sending strength to those out there who are hurting or lost. It's not an easy place to be in but, when you finally wrestle the demons and come out, the world shows you just how beautiful and magical it can truly be.

Sometimes you just have to walk away from what you want, to get what you deserve.

"The best way to predict the future is to create it." ~Peter Drucker

Life's too awesome to waste your time thinking about someone who doesn't treat you right. -Jack Barakat

If u focus on doing what u love & making the highest choices for your life, things have a magical way of working out.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

TUT Notes from the Universe!

Everyday in my inbox I get messages straight from the Universe. It speaks to me and only me in person every single day! Ok---maybe not quite but, I think that these little tidbits are something everyone should enjoy. To sign up go to

So what exactly are they?

TUT Notes from the Universe started in 1998 as an email sent out weekly to 38 addresses has since blossomed into today's daily Notes from the Universe, sent to over 350,000 subscribers in 189 countries! These Notes are brief passages written by "The Universe," personalized with your name (and occasionally your personal goals and dreams), designed to remind you that you have, indeed, been given dominion over all things.
They are friendly little reminders that bring joy to my day and can for you as well. Here are some examples.! Oh and they are personalized!

Well, actually, Natasha, you were different.
You didn't want a perfect life, a typical life, or even a normal life.
You wanted a one-of-a-kind.
How we doing?
The Universe

When in doubt, Natasha, give, let them have it, surrender, make peace.
When there's no doubt, Natasha, give, let them have it, surrender, make peace.
Did I make life too easy?
The Universe

Just as the acorn existed within the oak, even when the oak was a seedling; and as the oak existed within the earth, even before there were trees; and as the earth existed within the galaxy, even before there were planets... there has never been a time, dear sweet Natasha, when you did not exist within me... during which we dreamed all else into being.

Far out.
Love you.
Well done.
Happy everything,
The Universe

Isn't it your triumphs over adversity, surprise rebounds, and stellar comebacks that you look back on with the most fondness, Natasha? Far more than the easy, cake for breakfast and pajamas in the afternoon, kind of times?
The Universe

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Complexities of Life

Life is strange. Sometimes that is the only and best way to describe it. Some days it is magical, wonderful and abounding with happiness and others it can be a dark and dreary existance where you wonder what more can possibly go wrong.

If anything, recent event in my life have made me so much more aware of life and it's intricacies. The delicate balance that one must hold to not sway too far into the land of dark or light. I read about inspiration. I listen to Wayne Dyer CD's on the way to work, I journal, I clear my head, I subscribe to email lists that provide me with positive encouragement every single day. I am trying to understand and yet it also eludes me. The bottom line in all the things I absorb is this, one must find inner happiness. Yes, so you have heard it before and it seems so simple and hard at the same time. Somewhere amoung the massive amount of literature on the subject, I know I will figure it out. One day it's going to click for me, that joy comes from within. That no amount of money, love, success or something else will really "do it"

People will continue to hurt you, continue to abuse, continue to belittle and scar and we must rise above it all. But, people will also amaze you, love you, come out of the woodwork for you and show you immense joy. What do you choose to focus on makes all the difference.
Do you focus on lack or do you focus on wealth? Do you focus on the past or do you focus on the right now and the joy in the simple things. Do you have gratitude and the firm belief that everything will simply work out, or do you lament and reel from the pain someone else has caused you.
Another life lesson for me? We create our own destiny. We are a produce of what we focus on.

I am going to choose to focus on what is good-no matter how hard it is. It's a choice. A choice we must make daily...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Moving Day!

Oh the joys of moving! It's one of those things in life that everybody dreads. Pack the boxes, label everything, U-hauls, and then unloading and getting everything the way you want it in the new place! Just the thought of it is exhausting! BUT, we have all helped friends who needed an extra set of hands to help them move and I was no exception when my good friend and co-anchor Seth Wayne needed me. However, I wasn't prepared for all the clothes he had and all the work it took to load up the 10 foot U-haul :)

While it was exhausting, it was also a really good workout! I ended up helping him for about 3 hours on Saturday and a couple more on Sunday. I know he would help me in a heartbeat ..that is what good friends do!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Eugene Weekly Comes Out

The Eugene Weekly article featuring me as the "Best TV Personality" came out last Thursday. Since then I have received several comments from viewers and others. It's still very humbling to me. I remember opening the Eugene Weekly last year and thinking how cool it would be to ever be in it. That dream came true for me and I am still glowing from how good it feels to be appreciated.

Here is the picture in the paper:

Monday, November 8, 2010

Work and Life

Not many people can say that they love what they do. I am very fortunate to love my job. I have always dreamed of being a television Newsanchor and I feel so blessed to have reached my goal. Everyday is a new challenge and I get to put a show together that I feel a lot of pride in. Not only that but, I work with the most amazing group of journalists who are like family in a lot of ways. You do not get into television (at least initially) to be rich, have a normal schedule or have a stress free life but, the rewards you reap are several. Life these days is strange, lots of changes and lots of new experiences but, when I lay my head down to go to sleep, I have a sense of calm. I have achieved what I most wanted out of life. Here are some pictures on the job:

11pm Anchor, Lauren Allison and I at work

Can you spot the creepshark?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Election Night, Campaign 2010

Many many times the anticipation of something is for worse than the actual event, such is the case for election night. It's the day that everyone looks forward to but, if you work in the news business trust me--you dread it! Not only are you juggling fast flying and changing numbers coming at you faster than a snowball fight but, you must also brush up on the candidates, be familiar with several races and measures and generally prepare for chaos! This year I was so happy to be able to co-anchor with Seth Wayne and not have to read the entire show by myself! PHEW..that instantly put me at ease and took away half the stress of the day. We had our plan in place. First block of news at the desk, second half at the Chroma key wall, then a quick weather hit followed by more news ..however plans on election day always go awry and change. :)

Bottom line though our show looked fantastic on air and I am very proud of the team for putting it all together. Here are some pictures from the big night. Here we are joint producing the 10PM Fox show.

Seth did a great job as my co-anchor! What an exciting night.

The team after all was said and done! What a relief to be done with Election Night!