Thursday, November 4, 2010

Election Night, Campaign 2010

Many many times the anticipation of something is for worse than the actual event, such is the case for election night. It's the day that everyone looks forward to but, if you work in the news business trust me--you dread it! Not only are you juggling fast flying and changing numbers coming at you faster than a snowball fight but, you must also brush up on the candidates, be familiar with several races and measures and generally prepare for chaos! This year I was so happy to be able to co-anchor with Seth Wayne and not have to read the entire show by myself! PHEW..that instantly put me at ease and took away half the stress of the day. We had our plan in place. First block of news at the desk, second half at the Chroma key wall, then a quick weather hit followed by more news ..however plans on election day always go awry and change. :)

Bottom line though our show looked fantastic on air and I am very proud of the team for putting it all together. Here are some pictures from the big night. Here we are joint producing the 10PM Fox show.

Seth did a great job as my co-anchor! What an exciting night.

The team after all was said and done! What a relief to be done with Election Night!

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