Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Complexities of Life

Life is strange. Sometimes that is the only and best way to describe it. Some days it is magical, wonderful and abounding with happiness and others it can be a dark and dreary existance where you wonder what more can possibly go wrong.

If anything, recent event in my life have made me so much more aware of life and it's intricacies. The delicate balance that one must hold to not sway too far into the land of dark or light. I read about inspiration. I listen to Wayne Dyer CD's on the way to work, I journal, I clear my head, I subscribe to email lists that provide me with positive encouragement every single day. I am trying to understand and yet it also eludes me. The bottom line in all the things I absorb is this, one must find inner happiness. Yes, so you have heard it before and it seems so simple and hard at the same time. Somewhere amoung the massive amount of literature on the subject, I know I will figure it out. One day it's going to click for me, that joy comes from within. That no amount of money, love, success or something else will really "do it"

People will continue to hurt you, continue to abuse, continue to belittle and scar and we must rise above it all. But, people will also amaze you, love you, come out of the woodwork for you and show you immense joy. What do you choose to focus on makes all the difference.
Do you focus on lack or do you focus on wealth? Do you focus on the past or do you focus on the right now and the joy in the simple things. Do you have gratitude and the firm belief that everything will simply work out, or do you lament and reel from the pain someone else has caused you.
Another life lesson for me? We create our own destiny. We are a produce of what we focus on.

I am going to choose to focus on what is good-no matter how hard it is. It's a choice. A choice we must make daily...

1 comment:

  1. There is a kind of light that I've only seen when summer sunlight shines on a forest full of birch trees. It's like music you can see. When I feel bad, I think of that. I refuse to believe that any darkness in my mind is real and true. It's only temporary. The forest light is real and true. Hang in there, Ms. N. I'm pulling for you.
