Monday, November 16, 2009

Turning 30!

Remember when you were 15 and you thought turning 18 was a really really big deal?

Or when you were 8 and you thought turning 2 digits would be a major milestone in life?

Or when you knew 21 was right around the corner and all you wanted to do was grow up?

If there is one thing I have learned it's just how quickly time passes us by. Now here I am two weeks shy of my 30th birthday and dumb founded as to how this happened?

Of course we all get older and for some turning 30 is just another number. For me however, it's a casual nudging reminder of time slipping between my fingers.

What did I think I would do at 30? Or by 30? Happily, I have accomplished many of the things I wanted to but, I still have so many things yet to pursue.

As for turning 30, it's going to come whether I like it or not, so I better be excited and hopeful for it. If not, an episode of Sex and the City will remind me casually yet, humorously of all I have yet to look forward TO in the future :)

Here's to 30!


  1. You're right just another number. Hope you have a happy birthday!!!! Wish I could be there to buy you a beer. Party it up sweety. Take lots of pictures!

  2. Age ain't nothing but a number Ms. Natasha! And the important thing here is that you do not look 30. You should not be afraid of getting old, you should be afraid of getting ugly. lol JK
    And you my dear will still have your lovely looks for AT LEAST 2.5 more decades! So enjoy them! :) lol

  3. Turning 30 is scary but it is more the build-up that freaks you out than the number. You feel like ohmygoshmy20s but really, your 30s are much better. Promise.
