Monday, November 30, 2009

Find Yourself and Don't Settle!

Sometimes I wonder who exactly in life you can rely on.

It's easy to fall prey to the wiles of a sweet talking man or woman that may promise you the world, quite quickly however you may start to see the true nature that lurks beneath the surface.

If I apply this to my own life, the people I know I can rely on are my family and myself. I am blessed with some amazing friends that I can rely on as well and for that I am utterly grateful.

As I head into my 30's I am realizing the importance of really finding yourself. I have heard the old adage a million times that one needs to love oneself before loving another but, I don't think it's ever registered until now. What does loving yourself mean? How do you even do that?

I think a big part of it comes from being alone. You can never really know how to love yourself until you have dealt with alone-ness. If you are bouncing from relationship to relationship you are never giving yourself a chance to find out what you really want and need. It's loneliness that is driving you to fill a void that you might be able to fill perfectly on your own.

Once you have established that you can be alone and just fine, you can open your heart to someone who really deserves it and meets your needs. Saying it is easy..doing it is rather hard but, the only way to do it is to dive right in....

You may hit rock bottom but the only place you can go from up.


  1. Your posts are always so prophetic. lol. I feel inspired now. ;)50%

  2. I don't know you personally, but I've seen you on TV. You seem like a very intelligent and articulate girl. Don't let the jerks get to you. Work on your happiness, and all the world has to offer will follow.

  3. Sometimes life is like a gift, and you don't like what's inside. But sometimes you do. You just never know until you unwrap it. Things have a way of working out for themselves. Just believe in yourself first. You have lots of friends to rely on as well. When all else fails there's always tp.

  4. Thank you Sam. That means a lot to me..! It really does.
    And Jings you are the best!

  5. I agree with you, but I feel like we will be looking at a very different picture when our looks fade and our options are slimmer.

  6. Salam,
    Chughtai Sahaba ki hal hein aap k? Aur mashallah achi tarqi ki hey aur mazid allah apko tarqi dey.(aamin)
