Monday, December 14, 2009

Water Fast Day 1, Am I Crazy?

Anyone who knows me knows that I get very excited about new things. Whether it be a new product on the market, a new vitamin or health regimen, I can work myself into a frenzy of learning new information about whatever it may be.

Much of last week was spent researching and googling the topic of "Water Fasting". This is not my first time actually doing a water fast. In fact, last year I spent 5 days cleansing my body through the "Master Cleanse" or "Lemonade Diet" as it's sometimes referred to. I found the experience powerful to say the least. Day 1 and 2 were pure misery. Headaches, Nausea, and light headed-ness (never a good thing when a big part of your job requires you to stand and read the news for half an hour a day). Nonetheless, by Day 3, I was amazed at the amount of energy I had and how good I felt.

Think about all the crap we put into our bodies on a single day? From fast food to chemicals, frozen meals full of preservatives, alcohol ...the list goes on and on.
For thousands of years, people have fasted as a way to rid themselves of toxic build-ups and generally cleanse the body.

Have you ever skipped a meal and a headache came on, or you felt irritated, stomach growled, etc? Well, none of these are signs of actual hunger, but rather the first stages of a detoxification phase, known as acidosis. As soon as the body has a chance, i.e. as soon as you haven’t had any food in you for a while, this detox phase will start. During acidosis the body cleanses itself of stored up toxins that are in the body due to poor diet.

And I have to admit, the thought of dropping some weight is also very appealing. You can lose upto 10 pounds in 6 or 7 days while fasting. Of course it's likely to return when you begin eating as most of this is water weight.

So here we are at Day 1. Woke up this morning and wanted a bagel slathered with cream cheese so darn bad! LOL
Had a glass of water instead. The headaches started around noon but, it was nothing I could not handle. I am now sipping on some Green Tea for energy and feeling pretty darn good. Of course it's still early in this whole fast and that could change.

Am taking extra care when getting up from my desk as well. My body is not used to this light-headedness and I want to make sure I don't fall over :)

Overall, at 5:30PM on my first day I am feeling fine with little side effects. Will let you know how the rest of today goes!

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