These days I am dealing with change.
It's the scary word that starts with a C and has turned my life upside down. I never knew how attached I could get to a place and it's people until I was forced with the option of leaving. Yes, in case you have not guessed by now; I am leaving Eugene and have taken a job in Eastern Iowa at a fantastic television station, KWWL.
The emotions are intense.
Happy to be wanted and the chance to further my career with a talented group of people but also such extreme sadness to leave all that is familiar and comforting. The impact of this decision will be felt in so many ways and so many times--but deep down I hold the reassurance that is IS indeed the way my life is supposed to go. I hurt mostly for the wonderful friends and loyal viewers who have supported me for so long. I know what people say --that your true friends will always be in your life but the fact remains that nothing quite stays the same.
I also have great excitement. A new challenge awaits and I cannot wait to have new adventures and meet new people that I will also grow close to. It's the in between time that is the hardest.
One of the quotes that has helped me deal with this is the following:
"Those who want to be in your life will always find a way--the rest will only find excuses"
I find this comforting when I think of the close relationships that have developed in recent months. That indeed at the end of the day those who really want to come visit, call, maintain contact or generally be in my life will always, always find a way to do so.
i think you are doing great! You are refreshing and add a brightness to the screen. Love that smile. JK