Life is good. I mean really, really good. Yes, these past few weeks I have had a range of emotions mostly sadness however, things have turned a page in the last couple of days ever since I got to Minnesota.
My last few weeks in Eugene were very bittersweet. I dealt with my final show with Seth, my final show EVER and saying goodbye to good friends who have become more like family. It is certainly not easy to leave a place you love so dearly behind but now that I have and I am back home in the midwest I am feeling like a brand new person.
I have so much to look forward to! I start my new job at KWWL on October 19th with my first day on air being October 24th! I also found out today that the "Today In Iowa" show I will be co-anchoring just won a regional Emmy Award! I am so excited to work with a talented group of people and a station with such talent and rich history.
These days at home are so rare for me. I have nothing to do and it feels amazing. My car is still in Eugene and I am waiting for it to get shipped here so in the meantime it's lots of relaxing, catching up on emails with old friends and eating my mom's delicious home cooking! I cannot wait to move to the Waterloo/Cedar Falls area and start my new life. I feel so very blessed for this opportunity and to have my family three and a half hours away makes it even sweeter! Please continue to follow my journey!
moving out of Eugene was scary for me too! The nice thing about Eugene, is it never really changes. So you can always go back if you want to.