Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Death of the Late Senator Ted Stevens

It was shocking to wake up this morning and see the headlines about the late Senator Ted Stevens and his death in a plane crash over Dillingham.

Having lived and worked in Alaska for 2 years myself, I felt a certain connection to the entire situation.

One has to wonder what it's like to be flying in the sky without a care in the world and the next minute know that the plane you are in is going to most certainly crash. I feel for his family and mostly his children who have lost a father. I cannot even imagine.

I remember myself going up in a tiny float plane heading to Savoonga, Alaska, smack in the middle of the Bering Sea.

As I boarded the tiny plane, which seated exactly 3 people I remember praying aloud for God to keep me safe. The small plane felt every single shake of the wind, every single stutter of the clouds and I held on for dear life knowing my life was not in my hands.

I ended up covering amazing stories in Savoonga all while dodging polar bears that frequented the tiny island. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life, and I am so grateful to have gotten the chance to do the things I did in the Last Frontier.

I also travelled to Dillingham to go fishing while in Alaska. It's one of the most breathtaking places I have ever been. Grizzly bears are common and the sights are unbelievable. I stayed in a tiny cabin with a wood stove and no electricity for a long night and went fishing the next morning. Another experience I won't soon forget.

Alaska can be beautiful but danger lurks everywhere. It is one thing to experience the beauty and another to be killed in one of the worlds most serene places. Prayers to the Stevens family.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe one day I will be a pilot, and if you trust me i'll take you for a ride :) Don't worry there's no mountains in MN.
