Monday, August 30, 2010

Twitter and Bucket Lists!

Ah another Monday. How do they always come so fast? Even when I have a 3-day weekend, it seems that Monday is always looming and here before I know it. :)

I am starting to use twitter more and it's exciting. I think the best way to be a master "tweeter" is to have internet on your phone which sadly I do not. I did however, manage to find some very interesting groups to follow today simply be searching for "Inspirational Quotes". I Love quotes. they have helped me get through some of the hardest times in my life. I put them in cards, I pass them along to friends, I keep some in a book near my bed to refer to, quotes are magical bits of knowledge and comfort.

If you would like to follow my tweets you can search for @FoxEugene to find me. I am also in the process of getting a personal twitter page instead of a work one so stay tuned. Tweeting is fun and informational. I am following some of my favorite people like Deepak Chopra and Nicholas Kristof! (he wrote the inspirational book, "Half the Sky" about the plight of women around the world.

Here is another question....What is on your bucket list?

BUCKET LIST :List of things to do before you die. Comes from the term "kicked the bucket

Lately I have been thinking a lot about the things I want to do in this life. Do you know how short your life really is? If we all thought about this on a daily basis we would probably hardly spend any time idle...unless of course that was on our bucket list.

Here are just a few things on mine.
1. Run a Marathon!
2. Travel all over the world
3. Volunteer Abroad (I would love love love to volunteer and teach English in Pakistan at Mukhtar Mai's School)
4. Finish and have my book published!
5. I would LOVE to adopt a child.

I have so many things to do and so little time. I better stop blogging and start doing! What is on your bucket list?

1 comment:

  1. I am absolutely LOVING your blog. I've read all your new posts and especially liked the story about your camping "misadventure." I miss you so much and feel like I've just caught up on your life a little bit. YAY! xo
