Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Shhhhhh GOSSIP!

Why do people gossip so much? I know it is relevant in all walks of life. The fact of the matter is everyone does it though few will ever admit to it. Sometimes gossip can turn ugly and mean though and really hurt people. Where is line between a fun conversation about someone else to nastiness?

I think gossip can be especially bad in a newsroom. Everyone is Type A, people are all striving to get on top and with so many budget cuts and people forced to do double or triple the amount of work they are used to, things can quickly turn ugly.

With no specifics mentioned I have been the victim of ugly gossip before. Something that was meant to be secret ended up being sent to the entire newsroom and the person gossiping was quickly the one everyone started gossiping ABOUT! Some people just love to talk about others. The old adage of "Don't say something about others that you would not say to them in the face" is hardly the way the world works. I wonder where this all stems from. Jealousy? Insecurity or simply small minded-ness. I am no angel ..I am sure I have done my fair share of gossiping as well and it's something I need to work on. Can you imagine if for one day everything we said to others would be broadcast to the person themselves without us knowing!!!!!


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