Why oh why is losing weight so hard?
It seems the only way I can ever succeed is to starve myself to death and then end up gaining it all back in a moments weakness like last night for example. I had done so well all day, low carb, low calorie, feeling like those skinny size 2 jeans would fit me in no time -and then, all of it gone in a moment of sheer gluttony. It was as I was driving home from work and the thought of a taco--just one from Taco bell was almost too much to bear. I couldn't STOP thinking about it and it was almost like the drive thru pulled my car right into the lot. ! Grrrr.
Two tacos and a lot of fire sauce later I stared guiltily at all the wrappers and condiment packets on my couch and let out a loud sigh. Losing weight---HOW HOW HOW? :)
I will get there someday. I did it before but, it was pure resistance and about 800 calories a day. Besides the light headed ness and feeling like faiting on a daily basis, I did alright. I know what you are thinking if you are reading this-totally unhealthy. :)
Alas the journey continues.
On another note I do allow myself a cheat day every week and that was last Saturday. The highlight came in the form of a delicious Oreo cheesecake from Sweet life ...Yummmm...Wouldn't life be great if one pill provided all our nutritional needs and we didn't have to worry about the come hither pull of oily pasta, cheesy pizza or a batch of crisp steaming hot french fries....
I better stop talking about it before I make another bad decision...
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