Thursday, September 9, 2010

Ask. Believe. Receive

This morning was a very spiritual one for me. For the past week or so for those of you who have been following my journey, I have been attempting to apply the "Law of Attraction" to my life.

It is not an easy process. It is a complete shifting of the way I have always thought and I find myself sometimes slipping back into negative thought patterns and worrying about things that are completely out of my hands. It is not easy and yet it is easy. When you have a negative thought acknowledge it and then switch your positive button on. You have a choice. I am learning this slowly. But, it is not just your thoughts. You cannot just think positive and expect the "Law of Attraction" to work for you. You must also feel it. Feel how you would feel if you already had what you wanted.

I needed a boost this morning so I popped in the DVD of "The Secret". While the movie just touches the surface of the law it was enough to jumpstart my feelings of positivity. I also lit a candle and for a couple of minutes closed my eyes and visualized what I wanted. I imagined myself feeling like I already had what it is that I desire. Lets see what it brings about. I am going to do this daily. Wish me Luck. (Oh but, wait I do not need it because I firmly believe these things will happen in my life)

REMEMBER Ask, Believe, Recieve

We can do this by first and foremost being GRATEFUL for what we already have. This will shift your focus to a focus of happiness almost instantly

What are you grateful for? Here is my list.

For the most amazing family that loves me and would do anthing for me

A job that really is something i strived for for so many years and I finally reached my goal

Food anytime I want it and not having to want for anything

I have hardly any health problems and I am so lucky

I have many amazing and wonderful friends who love and support me. Thank you God for these people

I have eyes to read and hands to do things with. How many people do not?

I have amazing LOVE In my life from someone special to me.

Write down your list of what you are GRATEFUL for. I guarantee it will change your perspective.

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