Tuesday, September 7, 2010

One day of Peace ...The Next of Hatred

It's a big day this week! Eid Ul Fitr is this Friday! For those of you who do not know what Eid is..

EID is a Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting (sawm). Eid is an Arabic word meaning "festivity", while Fiáš­r means "to purify"; and so the holiday symbolizes the purification after completing the fasting month which is after the end of the Islamic month of Ramadan, on the first day of Shawwal.

For the first time in my life I will be celebrating Eid alone this year. I don't really have anyone here in Eugene to spend it with..but, I am not upset about it at all. I may go to the local Mosque for the Eid prayer and then spend the day happy and content. It really is about your relationship with God instead of people. I have some reflecting to do and some things to think about. No I am not upset. I feel fulfilled.

That day will be a good day. The next day, thousands of miles away in the town of Gainesville, Florida, one pastor will command his people to grab our holy book and light it on fire. He will set ablaze the words brought down to the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in the cave of Hira.

The Koran (also spelled Qur'an), the holy book of the Islamic religion, was written by followers of the prophet Muhammad (c. 570–632). From 610 until his death, Muhammad received visions from Allah (God). Muhammad's followers recorded these visions in what is now the Koran. Although parts of the 114 chapters of the Koran were recorded during his lifetime, the final version was compiled after his death. Muslims (the term for members of the Islamic religion) believe that the Koran is only a copy of an eternal book that is kept by Allah in heaven as his complete message to humankind. Half poetry and half prose, the Koran has a powerful effect on listeners when read aloud. Nonbelievers often demanded that Muhammad perform miracles, but he explained that he was an ordinary man—not God. According to Muhammad, the Koran was a miracle because of its perfect use of the Arabic language.

It's a book that has ispired millions. A book where Allah condemns the cutting down of trees during war. Where woman were given property rights before any other religion...where giving a dog a little bit of water will earn you the right to Heaven...

The "root" of the word "Islam" in Arabic is SALAMA which is the origin of the words Peace & / or Submission, a submission to God and peace to all humanity. It is, thus, no wonder why the salutation in Islam is: "Al-Salamu Alaikum or Peace on You."

But on that day, Peace will be set ablaze as millions around the world watch. Feelings will be deeply hurt, violence will careen through the streets of Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan perhaps even the United States. Hatred will sweep over countries, societys and everyone will react differently.

I will spend Friday in peace and pray and pray and pray for what happens the day after.


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