Friday, September 3, 2010

Running, Stage 1

Running. Oh how I Love and Hate it.

But lately that hate is turning far more into love than anything. It's been about a week of me deciding each and every morning that I am going to get my butt up and lace up those running shoes and just DO IT.

I wouldn't call myself an experienced runner yet but, I am at the point where I am starting to enjoy it. I may not enjoy the actual time when I am running but, it is all worth it for that time when I come back, completely wiped out, sweat trickling down my brow and the surge of seratonin running through my veins!

My runs usually consist of the trails along Autzen Stadium. It's just across the street and I can head right out my front door and head that way. It's also pretty populated during the day so I never feel scared or uncomfortable out there. I see a lot of people running while I am out which helps motivate me too. One day I hope to run a marathon. Right now I have to focus on even completing a mile without stopping but, it's certainly a start! My legs are aching today but, it's such a good feeling. I am lucky because I have a great pair of running shoes and plenty of workout gear courtesy of someone very special in my life so I didn't need to buy anything to get started.

When I read articles in "Runners" magazine I am so amazed at people who get up at 5am and go running for 10-15 miles! That is crazy to me but, who knows one day I might be one of those people. I can see already how it can be addicting and it tones up your entire body.! Cheers to Running !

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