Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Little Better Each Day

Am I a runner yet? Probably not but, wow am I getting there. I am starting to feel that guilt settle in if I don't go for my run every morning. Granted I am still only going about a mile per day and it's not running the whole time but, I can tell from the way my legs feel afterwards that I got a workout in. I try to push myself a little further each day. Today I ran further than yesterday and everyday I add a few more steps. My breathing seems to be getting easier too. I don't huff and puff as much anymore and I never have to use my inhaler. I used to kinda roll my eyes at runners before (um are they just showing off or what) but, I am starting to get it. Running is actually a lot of fun IF you stick with it. I read a statistic that 80% of runners quit before 4 weeks are up..and that is JUST when they are getting good at it. I will not let myself quit. I have gone this far and I am going to keep on going!

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